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It’s Trannies Gone Mad. I’m Anti-Trans And Proud.

Enough is enough. This woke nonsense has to stop. If you want to be a tranny, go right ahead. If I want to tranny-bash, let me live my life. Don’t be intolerant to intolerance.

I’ll tell you why I’m intolerant of trannies, and if you’re not anti-trans by the end then you need to go have a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. You tranny.

Buddhism taught me to be anti-trans. Buddha taught an inclusive, introspective philosophy as a way to Truth. Big boy Buddha sat under a tree, cracked his little Nirvana nut, and came running down the mountain Moses-style to spread The Word.

His first word? Buddha’s first of Four Truths? Suffering. Pretty morbid stuff, but there we go. Chap wants to start there, good a place as any. Where he’s going to go is any man’s guess, so the path should at least be funny if we’re starting with suffering, of all things.

Buddha’s insights might’ve been pretty out there, but his method wasn’t. He pronounced his Truths using the science of his day. Medicine. He saw the human condition as a sickness, and it was his calling to cure.

Doctors stomping round India had a method, just like now. Their method had 4 steps. To identify, in turn:

  • 1) the Disease
  • 2) the Cause
  • 3) the Cure
  • 4) the Medicine

Buddha pinched the format and applied it to the Self. The disease was suffering. The cause of suffering? (And bear in mind these guys mean suffering in the loosest possible sense: from you’re slightly cold to your leg fell off.) Buddha identifies Attachment as the cause of all of our suffering.

Attachment is the Second Noble Truth.

What’s the tubby fella rambling about when he’s saying “Attachment is the cause of all of our suffering”? To put it simply: we are not our problems. We are not our emotions. We are not our fears, our hopes, our memories, even our bodies. We go wrong when we forget that. We suffer when we forget that.

We attach to things. We have baggage. Of course we do. But we are not our baggage. Our baggage holds issues. We are not our issues. These things may touch us, but they are not us.

In other words, they are not transitive.

Your issues are not your weekly shopping. When you buy your milk and put it in a bag to take to the car, and you carry the bag, I get you’re carrying the milk by carrying the bag. The carrying is transitive. I’m carrying one thing – the bag – and it is carrying 20 things, so I’m carrying 20 things by the transitive property.

Yea, the human condition isn’t milk. Your Self is not a shopping bag. These things are not transitive.

As long as you identify with your problems; as long as you simply believe your love and anger and joy and laughter and fear and sorrow define you; that long you’ve fallen for the illusion that these things are transitive, that they define us, that you are your baggage which is carrying your issues.

That long you are a tranny. It’s not transitive, brah.

Let’s put a stop to the transitive illusion. Let’s stand up and realise that by limiting our lives to such petty deceptions, we might be losing sight of something really quite grand.

The non-transitive experience.

I’m here to put an end of transitivism. I’m anti-trans and proud.